7.2 20th Anniversary Windsor-Lublin Twin Cities

The Chair states the Mayor's Office will most likely send a request to invite the Lublin delegation to visit the City of Windsor in 2020 as it will be the 20th Anniversary of the twinning.

The Chair adds 2020 will mark the 40 year Anniversary of twinning with the City of Mannheim, Germany and states a delegation may be invited in June 2020 to visit the City of Windsor to enjoy the fireworks and to showcase the city. 

Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor Costante, That the update relating to the 20Th Anniversary of twinning with the City of Windsor and Lublin, Poland BE RECEIVED. Carried.

8. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.

9. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 4:24 o'clock p.m.