All other ongoing funded programs such as Rent Supplement, Homeownership Down Payment Assistance, Ontario Renovates and funds for retrofitting buildings to be more energy efficient will continue till the funding stream is finished in 2021/2022.

HHAC and the Community Advisory Board will take the lead role in assessing current housing and homelessness coordinated access systems with consideration provided to proposed regulatory changes, sector best practices and the By -Names Prioritized List. 

HHAC members will continue to dialogue with other city and county departments and explore funding sources that will allow various other forms of affordable housing to be developed within both the city and county. We are already seeing some innovative forms of housing such as Shipping Containers that are now allowed in the city. Hopefully as we move forward, we will also see an increase in applications for Secondary Suites and changes in policy that will allow Tiny Houses in perhaps CIP designated neighbourhoods and a change that will allow Inclusionary Zoning.

2019 certainly has been a year of many changes at all levels of Government including significant new faces to HHAC, however I look forward to new and exciting initiatives that will increase our housing stock and give people on low to moderate income a chance to rent or own an affordable, safe unit or home. The path is set for WindsorEssex to eradicate chronic homelessness by 2028.

In closing, HHAC has already given unanimous support to the 10-year Housing and Homelessness plan and will monitor program funding, allocations, targets and outcomes over the next three years of their mandate. I would be remiss if on behalf of our members I did not say thanks to both Councilor Kieran McKenzie, our Administrative staff, Debbie Cercone, Tina Moore, Kelly Goz and Jennifer Tanner for their dedication to Housing and Homelessness Initiatives and to our County Representatives Warden Gary McNamara and Jeannie Diamond- Francis. Also, thanks to Judith Binder from CMHC and Chris Aspila from the Planning Department of the City of Windsor. To Karen Kadour, our committee coordinator, sincere thanks for assisting our members understand their roles as members of a committee of council.

Sincerely, Marina Marina Clemens, Chair HHAC