Moved by J. Zuk, seconded by F. Coughlin, That the 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Master Plan and other related reports BE ENDORSED and further, that the Chair of the Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee (HHAC) BE REQUESTED to delegate at City and County Council to provide HHAC's support. Carried.

5, Updates from HHAC Members

J. Zuk advises the Public Awareness Committee is looking to bring two film opportunities to Windsor-Essex County. One is a documentary entitled "Push" and will be hosted by Housing Information Services and the other entitled "The Public" will be shown in January 2020. She notes this is an opportunity for the community to view films relating to housing and homelessness.

6. Date of Next Meeting

The following dates are proposed for 2020:

January 21, 2020 April 21, 2020 July 21, 2020 October 20, 2020

7. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 10:36 o'clock a.m.