Zero Action plans between jurisdictions; however, certain overall themes are common to most Vision Zero Action Plans:

 Prioritizing fatal and major injury collisions

Since Vision Zero is focused specifically on fatal and major injury collisions, severe collisions – rather than total collisions – tend to be the basis for prioritizing road safety decisions, such as which locations or collision types should be prioritized when evaluating safety improvement options.

 An emphasis on vulnerable road user collisions

Collisions involving vulnerable road users (e.g. cyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists) tend to have a high likelihood of injury. Because of this, most Vision Zero Action Plans place a significant emphasis on reducing vulnerable road user collisions.

 An emphasis on speed control

The Vision Zero approach acknowledges that the injury potential of a collision increases as vehicle speed increases, so most Vision Zero Action Plans emphasize reducing vehicle speeds in order to reduce collision severity.

The details of how these issues will be addressed in a Windsor Vision Zero Action Plan have not yet been addressed. The Action Plan will be presented to Council for approval before implementation.

Anticipated Data Needs

Compared to other municipalities that have implemented Vision Zero, Windsor is well positioned with respect to the data that will be required to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan. Along with the City of Windsor collision database, Administration has collected extensive speed and traffic volume information for many streets, as well as additional GIS and other spatial information on the City's road network. No data gaps have been identified that would prevent the implementation of a Vision Zero Policy.

Risk Analysis:

The recommendation to approve adoption of the Vision Zero Policy carries no immediate general risk. It carries out City Council's previous direction to adopt a policy and to assemble the appropriate stakeholders and participants.

There is some degree of resourcing risk for participation in the Vision Zero program as stakeholders may not be able to prioritize resourcing for this project over their day-today responsibilities.

Financial Matters:

At this time, there are no financial considerations. However, implementation of recommended Vision Zero projects in the Vision Zero Action Plan would be likely to require funding allocations of City Council.