
Item No. 7.7

Council Report: C 16/2020

Subject: 2020 BIA Interim Levy Approval Process


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council RECEIVE this report of the 2020 BIA Interim Levy Approval Process for information.

Executive Summary:



A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a geographic area within a municipality governed by a Board of Management. A BIA allows local businesses and property owners to join together to provide for business promotion and local improvements. Sections 204 to 214 of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended (the Act) provides guidance concerning BIA's. Annually, the Board of Management for each BIA is required to prepare a budget for Council to review and approve. Budgets are typically for expenses such as advertising and promotion, newsletters, beautification items, flower baskets, administrative costs, etc. which are used within the BIA boundaries to promote businesses and attract customers. Repayments for City capital projects (i.e. streetscaping) and/or other cash advances are also included in the BIA annual budget. BIA budgets also require approval by the BIA membership.


Each year Administration works with the BIA's to obtain and review their annual budget. The annual budget determines the separate charge/levy on properties of commercial and industrial classes within each BIA. This separate charge/levy is collected in the same manner as property taxes and is typically added to the final tax bill for each property within the BIA boundary. Payment of the separate charge/levy is made by property owners over the last three instalments of the year.