January 28, 2020. At the time this report was prepared the following Councillors voted in favour of approving a one-time funding in the amount of $5,000. for the 2020 Doors Open Windsor initiative, to be funded through the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund: Councillors Francis, Costante, Bortolin, Holt, Sleiman, Gignac, Kaschak and Morrison. No nay votes were cast.


Doors Open will be held in Windsor on Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th, 2020. This event, which promotes awareness of Windsor's built heritage, history and diverse culture will provide an opportunity for residents and visitors to discover local buildings, institutions and places of interest, some of which are not normally accessible to the public. Doors Open is a family friendly, free event which is held every two years. This year the event will include thirty sites, ten of which are new, along with two to three guided walking tours. Doors Open is a very well promoted event and because it is also promoted at the provincial level, it attracts many visitors to the area.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:

The $5,000. grant for the 2020 Doors Open initiative is to be funded from the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund.




Doors Open Windsor 2020 will provide an opportunity for residents and visitors to Windsor to discover local heritage sites, many of which are not normally accessible to the public. This event is family friendly, free and attracts visitors to the City of Windsor.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Sandra Gebauer Council Assistant
Steve Vlachodimos Deputy City Clerk, Senior Manager of Council Services