Item No. 11.1

Council Report: C 17/2020

Subject: Confirm and Ratify Report regarding funding for Doors Open 2020 - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the results of the email poll authorized by Mayor Drew Dilkens on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, approving the following BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

That Windsor City Council APPROVE a one-time funding in the amount of $5,000. for the 2020 Doors Open Windsor initiative that will take place on September 26 and 27, 2020; and,

That the grant BE FUNDED through the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund.

Executive Summary:



Section 3.7 of Procedure By-law 98-2011 provides the following:

"Telephone and/or email polls of Members of Council shall be permitted only upon authorization by the Mayor or CAO, in emergency situations requiring Council direction where time does not permit holding a special meeting of Council and/or quorum of Council cannot physically convene to consider a matter. The results of a poll must be confirmed and ratified at the next public meeting of Council".

The matter related to Doors Open Windsor was to be considered as part of the 2020 Operating Budget meeting, but was inadvertently not addressed during those deliberations on January 27, 2020. Therefore, an email poll was conducted on Tuesday,