January 27, 2020, Budget Meeting Item 11.7, Written Submission

Dear Council members,

I have been a Walkerville resident since 2012 and have worked in the neighbourhood since 2009. In that time, over 10 years, no improvements have been made to the playground at Willistead park. I now have two children under the age of 4 and my daughter has a rare genetic disorder. This has opened my eyes about inclusion and access for all which this playground definitely lacks. She has a skin disorder so the sand can definitely irritate it. Improvements need to be made not only for my daughter but for my son and all the other children and families that enjoy this park. We love taking our dog for a walk but also dread having to tell our children that they can't play at the park for reasons such as wet and dirty sand or because of wasps. I know Miracle park is an all abilities playground and it isn't that far away but the one thing I love most about Walkerville is that we can walk to everything! We have one vehicle for this very reason. Please don't force us to have to drive our children to a different playground when we live right around the corner from beautiful Willistead park.

Sincerely, Carleigh Weldon