Additional risks to Option 4

There is a critical operational risk that a Big Bin event will be attended by many residents across all wards causing extensive lineups. Many residents are likely to be turned away due to time constraints. A mitigating strategy would be to have several events that could be offered in areas central to multiple wards; however this would significantly increase the cost and would only marginally lower this risk.

There is also a significant budget breach risk as a result of illegal dumping after the event. The ongoing clean ups will add to the cost of the event and will impact public confidence. A mitigating strategy would be to monitor the area after hours via security cameras/security guards. However, the location chosen may not be equipped to do this; therefore further funding could be required.

There is a moderate budget breach risk that the funding outlined in the financial section will be insufficient. The funding is based on the expected tonnages. While the tonnage used coincides with tonnage received in previous similar collections in the City of Windsor, and with tonnage received by the City of Edmonton, there is no way to know with certainty if the same will materialize in a future event


On the following page is a table summarizing the incremental costs of the various options presented within the Discussion section of this Council report. Please note that the cost estimates provided are very speculative and are meant to acknowledge the cost factor only. Usage of the service is extremely difficult to estimate. It is noted that the budget issue for this matter was put in as a $200,000 placeholder.

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