There is a low risk that should the user fee be adjusted, the use of the program could increase significantly to the point that tipping fees may be insufficient. To mitigate this, Administration would consider adjusting the total number of calls allowed per week.

Financial Matters:

The following table outlines the current 2017 program budget and actual results as at October 31, 2017.

  Budget Actuals
aa Oct 31/17
aa Oct 31/17
Revenue Tipping Fees
Contracted Services Internal Staff /Admin Costs
Net Totals – Expense / (Revenue)
(180,000) (7,130) (172,870)
77,000 188 76,812
140,000 13,025 126,975

- 883 (883)
37,000 6,966 30,034

Should Council wish to implement Option 1 from Budget Issue 2018-0146 as recommended by Administration which proposes a reduction in the user fee to $10 per item from the current $20 per item, the budget for this program would be adjusted to reflect the following proposed 2018 budget. It should be noted that the net overall budget of would remain at the same level approved in 2017:

  Proposed 2018
Revenue -9,600
Tipping Fees 600
Contracted Services 46,000
Internal Staff /Admin Costs -
Net Totals 37,000


Tony Ardovini, Deputy Treasurer - Financial Planning

Cindy Becker, Financial Planning Administrator – Public Works Operations


The Residential Bulk Collection Program has been in place for only a few months, but has seen some steady use, despite a large flood clean up affecting its availability. It is