
Council Report: C 211/2017

Subject: Residential Bulk Collection Program Status Report


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the report of the City Engineer dated November 16, 2017 regarding the status of the Bulk Collection Program BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



By decision number B9/2017 Council directed Administration to implement a curbside bulk collection service with a user fee of $20.00 per item. Council further requested Administration to report back on potential options for subsidizing the user fee for low income residents.

This report serves to update Council on the success of the Bulk Collection Program and to address the issue of subsidy.


The Bulk Collection Program began on June 2, 2017 and will end on November 24, 2017. During the recent flood, the program was temporarily suspended for one month in order to redeploy those resources to flood clean up.

At the time of this report there have been 362 requests for the service, of which 267 homes received collection. In total, 349 items were collected, equating to 18.4 tonnes.