- Dominion from Northwood to Totten (part of Central Box EA Road and Infrastructure Improvements ENG-005-17) inclusion of painted cycling lanes.

- Construction of trails in Realtor Park (ECB-023-18) including a multi-use path which connects a cycling facility from Tranby to the one on Edgar.

- Cabana Road infrastructure improvement project (ECP-003-09) is a $29.9 million project focusing on accommodating traffic growth and future development in the surrounding area. Components of active transportation have been incorporated in the various phases of the project. In total 6.34 kilometres of bike lanes will be installed, including signage and pavement symbols as well as new sidewalk construction on the south side of the road.

- Infrastructure Improvements to Riverside Drive (ECP-016-07) have also added to the City's active transportation network. In 2012 the Riverside Drive Phase 1 project was a $6.9 million project that added 1.59 kilometres of bike lanes stretching from Lauzon Road to Riverdale Road. The Riverside Drive Phase 2 project which is estimated to be completed by 2024 is a $17.7 million project which will introduce 1.6 kilometres of bike lanes from Ford Boulevard to St. Rose Avenue. Phase 2 is a component of the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (ENG-005-19) which awarded the City of Windsor with just over $32 million for large-scale infrastructure projects in confronting the effects of natural hazards.

- Several sidewalk and cycling facilities included within the City-Wide Road rehabilitation program (OPS-001-07), such as Grand Marais – Dougall to Dominion

Grant funding has also provided for additional investments over the past several years.

- 2016. Through the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program (OMCIP) and the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) over $633,015.00 were awarded to projects for the construction of facilities that improved connectivity to transit routes and surrounding townships.

- 2017. Funding was awarded at over $2.4 million mainly through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Fund (OMCC) for the extension of multi -use trails within the Ojibway Parkway, the extension of the Windsor Loop to provide access to the Trans Canada Trail and business park areas and connectivity among isolated community networks.

- 2018. Grant funding provided by the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (MCIP) which allowed the City to develop our comprehensive Active Transportation Master Plan. The plan provided direction in identifying opportunities for improving and encouraging active transportation whether by walking, cycling and/or transit in a comfortable, convenient and efficient way for all ages and abilities.

- 2019. A submission to the Investing in Infrastructure Program (ICIP) – Public Transit stream for approximately $5M for cycling facilities was put forward. The submission consists of 2.48 km of new sidewalks and 3.94 km of rehabilitated sidewalks which includes expansion measures to meet AODA specifications. In