Options to Achieve 0% Overall Sewer Surcharge Levy Increase

There are limited options available, should Council wish to keep the total Sewer Surcharge-funded expenses unchanged for 2020. As previously mentioned, Administration, as with any budget, reviews both revenues and expenses in great detail to ensure cost effective and efficient operations.

As indicated, many of the costs are driven by provincial environmental regulations and much needed capital expenditures for the City's sewer infrastructure. Significant cost reductions could only come from reducing contributions for equipment replacement, capital projects or sewer maintenance. None of these are recommended as they would increase flooding risks.



Given the recent trend of lower water consumption projections provided by WUC staff, increasing costs in the sewer surcharge operating fund, and the need to continue to fund much needed investments in the City's sewer infrastructure, it is recommended that sewer surcharge budget increase by $6,318,502 for 2020. It is also expected that significant additional funding will be required in the future as sewer infrastructure requirements are identified and prioritized for implementation to address basement flooding within the City.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Natasha Couvillon Manager of Performance Measurement & Financial Administration
Tony Ardovini Deputy Treasurer, Financial Planning
Mark Winterton City Engineer
Joe Mancina Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer