prevention measures      
- Basement Flooding Subsidy Program 2,587,751 2,587,751 -
Total Capital 31,187,751 37,187,751 6,000,000
Total Operating & Capital $70,499,224 $76,817,726 $6,318,502

* Subsequent to Council approval of the budget, adjustments are made to account for various corporate entries. In 2019, sewer surcharge related expenses were adjusted by $14,328 and revenues were adjusted $158,843 as a result of these further corporate budget adjustments. These minor adjustments are housekeeping items that are a regular part of the budget process. The net impact of ($173,171) reflected in Appendix A has been brought forward and incorporated into the development of the 2020 Sewer Surcharge Budget.

Recommended Change in Rates

Facing reduced water consumption, inflationary increases, and the need to fund replacement of aging equipment, the Sewer Surcharge water consumption rates for residential customers for 2020 are as follows:

Residential Customer Rates
Sewer Rates 2019 Current Monthly Rates 2020 Proposed Monthly Rates
Fixed Sewer Charge $17.38 $17.61
Variable Sewer Charge $2.90 per cubic metre of water used (reduced for excess summer consumption) $2.86 per cubic metre of water used (reduced for excess summer consumption)

The impact of the increased rates to the average residential consumer is as follows:

Average Monthly Residential Customer Rate
  2019 2020 Change ($)
Fixed $17.38 $17.61 $0.23
Variable* $48.31 $47.71 ($0.40)
Total $65.70 $65.33 ($0.37)

* Assumed average monthly consumption of 16.67m3 or 200m3 annually

Given the proposed decrease in rates, consumers using the same quantity of water in 2020 as in 2019 will see an overall decrease of approximately 0.56% to their sewer