Levy - Operations $2,336,667 $2,188,667 $2,188,667 $2,098,752
Levy - Clean Water~Green Spaces 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000
Total Municipal Levy 3,386,667 3,238,667 3,238,667 3,148,752
Water & erosion control infrastructure and special projects 2,558,300 300,000 11,063 2,648,283
Risk management services 69,650 65,750 72,445 38,398
TOTAL MUNICIPAL 6,014,617 3,604,417 3,322,175 5,835,434
Section 39 Flood/Erosion Program 104,417 202,263 128,879 202,263
Drinking Water Source Protection 102,600 103,350 87,097 92,752
WECI - - - 21,500
Other (CMOG, SEO etc) 132,188 140,688 39,000 375,612
TOTAL PROVINCIAL 339,205 446,301 254,976 692,127
Federal 1,147,250 774,281 478,340 1,536,139
TOTAL GOVERNMENT TRANSFER/GRANT PAYMENTS & FEE FOR SERVIC 7,501,072 4,824,999 4,055,491 8,063,700
Other Revenues
Permits, services & program fees 1,149,960 1,168,563 1,433,797 1,389,888
Leases & property rentals 77,600 68,700 77,200 78,085
Donations and other grants
General 303,000 228,400 96,850 302,104
Essex Region Conservation Foundation grants 262,500 461,385 585,950 270,120
In-kind contributions 13,000 19,500 38,000 578,259
Interest income 50,000 60,000 73,000 44,782
Gain on sale of assets - 5,000 4,000 3,166
TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 1,856,060 2,011,548 2,308,797 2,666,403
Transfers from/(to) deferred revenues 14,270 -162,950 -235,993 -601,436
Interdepartmental recoveries 725,665 704,000 741,600 764,401
TOTAL REVENUES $10,097,067 $7,377,597 $6,869,895 $10,893,068