

Administered under the Clean Water Act, the watershed-based Source Protection Program is the first step in a multi-barrier approach to protect drinking water. It complements municipal water treatment and supports sound land use planning decisions. ERCA, and other conservation authorities, have designated responsibilities under the Clean Water Act to work closely with stakeholders to ensure that our sources of municipal drinking water are safe and abundant.

2019 Achievements

2020 Actions

2020 Pressures

• Source Water Protection identified as a Mandatory Program and Service in the Conservation Authorities Act, though continued funding remains uncertain


Healthy watersheds are key element to the Place for Life. Our ability to track and report on changes to our watersheds and share that knowledge helps assess and understand current health and emerging trends as a basis for setting environmental management priorities, identify research gaps, and manage, protect or enhance watershed resources. ERCA undertakes its watershed science programs through partnerships with the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network, Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network and the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network. We also work with GLIER at the University of Windsor, Soil and Crop Associations and industry to encourage and monitor environmentally sustainable farming practices, and to support environmental stewardship, knowledge transfer, CW~GS incentive grants and collaborations.

2019 Achievements

2020 Actions