The Essex Region supports a higher diversity of plant and animal species than any other region in Canada, and sustains one of the highest concentrations of globally rare species in an area with some of the lowest percentage of natural cover in Canada. Our Conservation Areas are managed to protect this natural heritage, preserve human and cultural heritage, and support active and healthy living, outdoor education, and increase awareness and appreciation of our natural and cultural heritage.

2019 Achievements

2020 Actions

2020 Pressures


Of all the Great Lakes, the western basin of Lake Erie is exposed to the greatest stress due to urbanization, industrialization, and rural land use and is exhibiting signs of degradation including nutrient and phosphorus enrichment, the emergence of harmful algal blooms, and other water quality issues that impact aquatic habitat, drinking water, and ultimately the health and economy of the Essex Region. These challenges are inter-related, and solutions must be as well.

ERCA's Clean Water ~ Green Spaces (CW~GS) program was designed to address two of ERCA's highest priorities; protecting and enhancing water quality, and protecting and restoring natural areas by providing local funding to leverage support from provincial, federal, landowner and other partners to collectively improve water quality and enhance protection and restoration of natural areas. We leverage local funding through this program to support land securement, restoration (stream/drain, natural channel design, shoreline and fish habitat improvement, prairie/forest/ wetland) soil and water actions such as providing infield and in-stream conservation planning and delivery of agricultural stewardship, demonstrating innovative water and soil conservation (e.g. demonstration farm/ projects) are included in Watershed Research Services.
