Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

July 8, 2019


C 68/2019

Chief Building Official
That a vacant building registry  NOT BE IMPLEMENTED at this time and the vacant building initiative (VBD)  BE EXTENDED to July 2020; and,
That Building Administration  CONTINUE TO REVIEW the effectiveness of the VBI program and  PROVIDE City Council costing options to maintain permanent pro-active vacant building enforcement as part of the 2020 Building Inspections budget submission; and,
That a sixth goal  BE ADDED to the 5 program goals listed in the report, specifically “To mitigate visible blight for the affected neighbourhood”; and,
That administration  BE DIRECTED to report back in 2020 for a more fulsome breakdown of statistics including types of orders issued, which were successful, which were complied with, and that the report  ALSO INCLUDE options for a vacant building registry that expressly includes the topic of access, cost recovery, identification, highest fees possible under the law and the shortest timelines.

July 8, 2019


SCM 205/2019 & S 102/2019

City Planner
That this Council Report responding to CQ 1-2019 on the benefits and process to designating Walkerville a Heritage Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act  BE RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION; and,
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to proceed with the implementation of the Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Study; and,
That administration  PROVIDE a fulsome report to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee outlining the process, timelines and next steps.

July 8, 2019


SCM 211/2019 & S 104/2019

City Planner
That the report of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee dated May 22, 2019 regarding the Ford City Community Improvement Plan Grant Applications made by Various Owners for Various Properties in the Ford City Community Improvement Area, Ward 5  BE DEFERRED to allow Administration to undertake a further review on this matter.