Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

April 15, 2019

CR183/2019 DHSC 25

SCM 109/2019 & S 50/2019

City Planner
That the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee entitled “Zoning By-law Amendment Application for “light repair shop”, “retail”, and “fitness club” to be permitted on the property known as 400 Erie Street East, and described as Lots 134 to 136, and Pt. Lot 137,Registered Plan 122, Applicant: Storage Stop Ltd. (c/o Christine Davison)” and the three readings for By-law 49-2019 being a By-law to further amend By-law number 8600 cited as the “City of Windsor Zoning By-law” authorized by S 50/2019, adopted April 15, 2019  BE DEFERRED to a future Council meeting to allow for the proponent to work with the Planning Department on a potentially better plan.  

May 6, 2019


C 66/2019

City Clerk and Licence Commissioner
That the report of the Manager of By-law Enforcement dated April 3, 2019 entitled “CQ19-2018 – Blitz By-Law Enforcement”  BE RECEIVED; and further,
That administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report analyzing whether or not proactive by-law blitz would over time decrease the amount of complaints received, perhaps by engaging a part-time officer one day a month dedicated to such a blitz.

May 6, 2019


C 78/2019

Community Development and Health Services Commissioner – Corporate Leader Social Development and Health
That the report from the Commissioner of Community Development and Health Services and the Administrator/Executive Director of Huron Lodge Long-Term Care Home  BE RECEIVED for information; and further…
That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk  BE AUTHORIZED to execute any documents required to establish and participate in the Ontario Health Team, such that any funding does not create an additional annualized cost without the prior approval of City Council, and subject to legal approval by the City Solicitor, financial approval by the City Treasurer, and technical approval by the Community Development and Health Commissioner and Executive Director of Huron Lodge; and further,
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to provide appropriate reports to City Council as the Ontario Health Team is established in Windsor and Essex County.