Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

April 1, 2019


S 129/2018

City Engineer
That the Report to City Council detailing an Alley safety and Related Measures Policy Direction  BE RECEIVED; and, That Administration  BE DIRECTED as follows:That a Policy  BE DEVELOPED for alley lighting; and,
That Administration  BE REQUESTED to report back on what the structure of a Local Improvement Plan would look like including potential exceptions for extraordinary circumstances where they exist, such as high crime areas; and,
That Administration  REPORT BACK on options for lighting other than Enwin, including solar lights with pricing.

April 1, 2019


Reference #C118

Chief Executive Officer Windsor Library
That the recommended “Addition of Friday Branch Hours” (Budget Issue#2019-0358) in the amount of $98,412  BE NOT APPROVED, and that it  BE FUNDED through one-time dollars and that Administration  REPORT BACK in 2020.  

April 1, 2019

Manager Environmental Services
That an amount of $26,602  BE APPROVED for a year round service of bulk item collection at the current servicing level of $10.00 per item and 85 collections per week maximum; and,
That Administration  BE REQUESTED to report back on options including potential targeted pickups or other type of service delivery that would try to combat or mitigate illegal dumping or multiple illegal dumping sites.