Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

February 4, 2019


C 11/2019

City Treasurer
That City Council  APPROVE, as per the requirements of the Leadership Asset Management Program (LAMP), the use of the tools and guidelines for Triple bottom line plus (TBL+), Whole life-cycle (WLC) and Business Case Evaluation (BCE) as developed through the LAMP grant and approved by the Asset Planning Steering Committee; and,
That City Council  DELEGATE authority to the Asset Planning Steering Committee to provide oversight to the implementation of this framework and to amend the guidelines and tools as may be deemed necessary as such guidelines and tools are integrated within the Corporation; and further,
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration on methods that could be used to accelerate the process for implementation

March 25, 2019


C 43/2019

City Clerk
That the report of the City Treasurer regarding the Mayor, Councillors and Appointees 2018 Statement of Remuneration and Expenses  BE RECEIVED for information; and further,That in a municipal election year,  NO COUNCILLOR SHALL BE PERMITTED to commit to any conferences after the date of an election in a municipal election year; and further,That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration on a process that would allow all members of Council to access conference materials and summary notes for information purposes,from those Councillors that attend conferences.  

March 25, 2019


C 41/2019

Manager of Transportation Planning
That Administration  REPORT BACK on by-law and Policy recommendations to support a partnership with one or multiple private operators to provide Bike Share Services to the City of Windsor community  

March 25, 2019


C 41/2019

Manager of Transportation Planning
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration relative to a potential e-scooter pilot for the City of Windsor inclusive of an appropriate and legal location(s) for such a pilot project and accompanying regulations and requirements aimed at its safe operation.  
March 25, 2019 CR128/2019 C 41/2019 Manager of Transportation Planning That Administration  BE DIRECTED to report back on funding possibilities for the Bike Share Vision and Goals.