Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

February 6, 2017


CM 59/2016

City Planner
THAT the report of the City Planner dated October 26, 2016 entitled “Response to CQ34-2016: Design Guidelines for fencing along Riverside Drive”  BE RECEIVED for information; and further,
THAT Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration that would:
  • Institute a by-law standard for decorative fencing and parking areas along Riverside Drive (both the north and south sides of Riverside Drive); and
  • Include options for incentivizing existing commercial and industrial property owners to be able to upgrade their existing fencing along the waterfront side of Riverside Drive; and
Include costing for decorative fencing from just east of Hiram Walker’s all the way to Strabane.