Minutes City Council Monday, December 16, 2019

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Decision Number: CR636/2019 That City Council RECEIVE the report of the Executive Initiatives Coordinator dated October 29, 2019 entitled Guidelines and Permitting Process for Metal Detecting in City Parks; and,

That the permit process for metal detecting PROCEED, excluding the insurance requirement. Carried.

Report Number: C 182/2019 Clerk's File: SR2019

8.6. Response to CQ 29/2019 – Summary Report of Poverty Reduction Initiatives and Effectiveness 2010 to Present - City Wide

Kate Gibb, Executive Director, Drouillard Place

Kate Gibb, Executive Director, Drouillard Place appears before Council regarding the report entitled "Response to CQ29-2019 – Summary Report of Poverty Reduction Initiatives and Effectiveness 2010 to Present" and provides a brief overview of programming at their facility and concludes by suggesting that their organization provides a safe space for youth in the community and creates many partnerships with various community agencies through their programming.

Barb Brown, Executive Director, Connections Early Years Family Centre

Barb Brown, Executive Director, Connections Early Years Family Centre appears before Council regarding the report entitled "Response to CQ29-2019 – Summary Report of Poverty Reduction Initiatives and Effectiveness 2010 to Present" and provides a brief overview of their organization and shows a video about a positive experience from the Early Years Family Centre.

Paulina Gillett and Cheryl Taggart, representing CommUnity Partnership

Paulina Gillett and Cheryl Taggrat, representing CommUnity Partnership appear before Council regarding the report entitled "Response to CQ29-2019 – Summary Report of Poverty Reduction Initiatives and Effectiveness 2010 to Present" and provide a brief overview of their orgnaization and conclude by providing positive statistical data including the number of children/youth and parents participating in the programs as well as the types of programs that are offered at the Centre.

Moved by: Councillor Francis Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: CR624/2019 CSPS 84 That the report of the Coordinator of Social Planning dated November 14, 2019 entitled "Response to CQ 29/2019 – Summary Report of Poverty Reduction Initiatives and Effectiveness 2010 to Present" BE RECEIVED for information. Carried.