Minutes City Council Monday, December 16, 2019

Page 13 of 24

Decision Number: CR630/2019

That City Council APPROVE the Recreation Master Plan as the guiding document that will form the basis for future Administration recommendations and budget planning save and except for recommendations #2, #5, #6, and part of #7, as it pertains to the closure of the Adie Knox pool and ice pad as follows from its Executive Summary:

#2. Reorient the Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex as a modernized, high quality neighbourhood hub that serves the unique characteristics of the surrounding community and the needs of residents across Windsor. At a minimum, a gymnasium, fitness centre, indoor walking track, and other space conducive for use by community partners should be added to Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex to replace ice sport and aquatics programming (per Recommendation #5 and Recommendation #6 of the Master Plan). An architectural and engineering study of the Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex and the broader Wilson Park site is required to determine the feasibility of this action.

#5. In line with Recommendation #2 and Recommendation #5 of the Recreation Master Plan, transition indoor aquatic programming from Adie Knox Herman Recreation Centre to the Windsor International Aquatic & Training Centre and Gino & Liz Marcus Community Complex. In doing so, redirect a portion of the capital and operational savings towards funding the recommended re-imagination of the Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex so that it delivers a broader range of community-focused programs compared to present time.

#6. Operate the Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex arena as a year-round dry-floor venue for lacrosse, ball hockey, pickleball and other appropriate activities, thereby decommissioning the arena's ice-making equipment. The feasibility and costs involved with permanently converting the arena to an accessible, warm activity space should first be determined through an engineering study of the arena building prior to its conversion (to be aligned with the architectural study identified in Recommendation #2 of the Recreation Master Plan).

#7. Undertake improvements to Forest Glade Arena and Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex arena to improve the user experience and accessibility, funded in part through reallocated operational savings associated with the decommissioning of Adie Knox Herman Arena. It is recognized that the recent addition of community space to the Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex has provided significant community opportunities beyond the ice pads. and,