
July 24, 2019

Dear Mayor Dilkens

RE: Update on Motion 58-2011 Communication April 15th 2019 and invitation to tour the Duff-Bâby Mansion either Tuesday, August 7th @ 7:00 pm or Saturday, August 10th @ 10:00 am.

Les Amis Duff-Bâby is a group of volunteers that was established in 1990 to promote and assist in the interpretation of the Duff-Bâby Mansion.

As you will recall, at the April 15th Council meeting (Council Communication), there was a request by Les Amis Duff-Bâby for an update concerning Motion 58-2011 on the progress of the licence agreement with the owner (Ontario Heritage Trust), for the use of the Interpretation Centre and expanded use of the Dining Room and Trading Hall in the Duff-Bâby Mansion at 221 Mill St. Subsequently, there was a front page article in the Windsor Star on the matter ( aligned-to-showcase-duff-baby-mansions-rich-history).

We would like to invite you and your colleagues on Council to the Mansion to be given a short tour of the building in its present state which offers so much potential for interpretation. The site and its associated inhabitants provide some of the earliest stories involving the history of Sandwich, and the War of 1812. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this significant site in advance of the administration's report back to Council.

Your response to this invitation would be greatly appreciated. Please respond by Friday, August 2nd to Les Amis' Secretary, Linda Chakmak (519-944-4625) or

We have attached our March 14th letter to Council as well as a copy of M58-2011 for your information.

Thanking you in advance,

Don Wilson, President Les Amis Duff-Bâby