provincial offices. It should be noted that, since the OHT has taken over the Mansion (ca. 1985), the house has never been this vacant and a unique opportunity presents itself like never before.

In support of this request, in February of 2011, the City of Windsor M58-2011 (attached) approved a request for Administration to negotiate, in addition to the existing use agreement with the Ontario Heritage Trust, additional community use of the Dining Hall and Trading Hall. We formally request an update on this process, which has not been dealt with to date. In support of this request, we have been collecting signatures of support at each opportunity when Les Amis Duff-Bâby hosts events in the Mansion: Doors Open, Open Streets, Noel in the Mansion, Heritage Week Events, etc. Accordingly, a petition with approximately 500 signatures, is also submitted. It should be noted that at each event we ask the question whether these visitors have ever been in the premises. Most of the responses, (approximately 90%) have never been within. There is clearly a demand for access from the people of Windsor and beyond. The potential for tourism is great.

The Duff- Bâby site is included in the recently completed Lord Consultant's Museum report as a 'spoke in the Museum Windsor wheel.' The Dining Room Trading Hall offer unique opportunities to display period appropriate furnishing and information to properly tell the story of this historically and architecturally significant building and site. This Mansion has been witness to the creation of a nation, from fur trading to the War of 1812. Historical figures so important to our local identity – General Sir Isaac Brock and Tecumseh - have visited the house. It was home to a member of the Family Compact and sanctuary to an escaped American slave. Windsor needs to do right by this building.

It is our understanding that the OHT is in the process of pursuing new tenants on the main floor and this is of great concern to us regarding access, use and interpretation of the building. Accordingly, we request an update on the lease agreement and Motion 58-2011.


Donald Wilson President - Les Amis Duff-Bâby Email:

Att. M58-2011 and petition