Re-building four separate structures for four separate sign faces is economically unreasonable and ecologically undesirable. Pattison Outdoor Advertising has proposed two options for rebuilding the structures. Refer to Appendix "A" for a site plan of the two options.

Option 1 - Build one double sided sign, with each sign face measuring 10'-0" x 40'-0". The structure would be a single pole and the double sided sign would have one side facing east and one side facing west.

Option 2 – Build two double sided signs, supported on a single pole structure, each sign face measuring 10'-0" x 20'-0". This double sided sign would have two (2) signs facing east and two (2) signs facing west.

Option 2 most accurately reflects the legal non-conforming signs configuration and is the recommended option. This option changes the sign characteristic by allowing double sided signs in lieu of single sided signs. This configuration does not alter the fundamental sign dimensions. The sign face area dimensions, number of sign faces and directions that the signs face would remain the same.

Pattison Outdoor Advertising is willing to reconstruct the signs exactly as they stood if required.

Regardless of the option, the new structures will be required to apply for a sign permit through the Building Department and meet the structural and other requirements need to satisfy the sign permit.

Risk Analysis:

There is a risk of setting a precedent for other legal non-conforming billboards located in the City. Sign owners may want to change the characteristics of their signs and retain the legal non-conforming status. This recommendation is site specific and other than changing from single sided to double sided signs, all other sign dimension are recommended to stay the same. Further, the context of this site is unique from other locations along Riverside Drive, where the retention of a scenic experience is desired. These signs are located at a rail cut, next to an industrial bridge, adjacent to a communications tower and flanked by Canadian Pacific Railway land to the East and CBC Radio to the West.

The proposed sign location is in an area which experiences regular daily traffic. Like all signs, there are potential impacts of these signs attracting the attention of drivers. Given that the sign dimensions, number of sign faces, and direction that the signs face are remaining the same, any increase in risk would be considered negligible.

Financial Matters:

There is no financial cost to the City of Windsor regarding the approval of this reports recommendation.