
The Sign By-law allows for the existence of legal non-conforming signs and acknowledges that such signs will need repair or replacement of components as they age.

Section 3.6 Existing Signs of the Sign By-law states:

3.6.1 Every SIGN OWNER shall ensure that:

(a) For an EXISTING PERMANENT SIGN, which does not comply with the provisions of this By-law, changes to or replacement of the SIGN FACE, REPAIR of the SIGN, including the SIGN STRUCTURE, and changing of COPY shall be deemed to be permitted provided all dimensions and characteristics of the SIGN remain the same;

Pattison Outdoor is replacing the existing structures and would like to change the characteristics of the signs for economic and constructability reason. As outlined in Section 3.6.1, the replacement of the sign structure is permitted "provided all dimensions and characteristics of the sign remain the same."

The legal non-conforming signs consisted of four (4) separate sign faces and structures. Each sign face measured 10'-0" x 20'-0", with two (2) signs facing west and two (2) signs facing east along Riverside Drive. (see image below, as viewed form Riverside Drive)


The adjacent site context consists of a rail cut under Riverside Dr. and a communications tower. The existing structures have been removed. (Refer to Appendix B)