Windsor Utilities – Water NO objections..
Union Gas I can confirm that Union Gas Limited does not have any facility located within the property closure.
Legal Department I believe the Subject Lands are part of the Havens Drive right-of-way and not an alley. 12M-364, which I have attached, and Geowarehouse both indicate that it is part of the street. We will review regarding a value for the Subject Lands, has the owner of 613 Havens Drive provided any additional insight into their intentions should they be successful? ( see attached 12M)
OTHER: MTO The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) does not object to the proposed closure and conveyance of the above noted property.The applicant should be aware that, the above noted property is located on a MTO access control permit area. Prior to any development or changes to the property, the applicant shall apply to MTO permits and submit drawings for approval.

Diagram 1 (ENWIN's comment)