APPENDIX "C"  320 SAA/5676

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services  
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no objections in principle to the proposed closure. The parcel of land in question however is somewhat large, irregularly shaped, and situated adjacent to a sizable water retention pond. If approved, we would not like to see an opaque fence erected across the front or rear lot lines as this would significantly restrict available sight lines into the retention pond space – an undesirable consequence from a public safety perspective. If a fence is contemplated, it needs to be one that permits a proper degree of ongoing visibility to be maintained, such as a steel picket or chain link style fence. This should perhaps be a condition of approval.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objection from a Parks or Landscape perspective.
Parks & Facilities No objection from a Parks or Landscape perspective.
Public Works – Engineering The proposed closure is a triangular patch of grass adjacent to property 613 Havens Drive. There are no municipal sewers or encroachments located within the closure; therefore, we have no objections to the proposed closure.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services
Public Works – Transportation Area shown is not required for vehicular access. There are no sidewalk or trail tie-ins to the Herb Grey Parkway in the area. It is recommended that the parcel be considered by Legal /Property for salability as one or two residential lots. Restrictions regarding driveway placement may apply.Barring that - a 1 ft reserve is recommended to be established
Transit Windsor  
Bell Canada Does not require an easement.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. Does not require an easement
Canada Post  
Rogers Communications  
Telus Communications TELUS has no infrastructure in the area of your proposed work. Permit expires six(6) months from approval date.
EnWin Utilities – Hydro Hydro Engineering:No Objection, however, an easement named to ENWIN Utilities Ltd is required for the underground hydro distribution along the north side of the property line as shown in the attached PDF. ENWIN Utilities Ltd will also require uninterrupted access to maintain the existing underground hydro distribution.
Please note ENWIN has the following distribution around the property:
  1. underground 27.6kV primary distribution on the south side of Havens Dr
  2. underground 120/240V secondary distribution on the south side of Havens Dr

Sketch attached for reference only. This attachment does not replace the need for underground utility locates. [Sketch is attached below as Diagram 1]