Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services  
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service strongly supports the application to close this particular alley. We have been working directly with the residents, businesses, and property owners in this neighbourhood (Ford City) for many years now to explore and implement various ways to improve public safety for everyone. This particular alley has been a regular source of undesirable and unlawful activity for many years that has negatively impacted nearby residents and businesses. The activity that has occurred has been both criminal and public disorder in nature.Closure will represent a significant step toward preventing a continuance of the problematic activity that has persisted here for many years and we therefore support the closure fully.
Planning – Landscape Architect No concerns
Parks & Facilities No concerns
Public Works – Engineering This subject alley closure is approximately 3.5m (11.5ft) wide, untraveled and composed mostly of grass. There are no municipal sewers or manholes located in the closure. There are hydro poles, guy wires, anchors and overhead wires running through the closure. An easement is required for the utilities. The alley seems to be closed at both ends by a fence. There is a single driveway approach and curb cut on Richmond to access the alley; it may be the responsibility of the City to remove the curb cut in the future when funds exist. Should the abutting owners use this access they will be required to obtain a driveway permit to complete and maintain the approach to City Standard AS-221 or AS-222. This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, wehave no objections to the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No Concerns
Public Works – Transportation The proposed alley closure area is not required for vehicular access. Various fences and gates restrict access to the alley. Recommend closure as proposed.The current Drouillard ROW is 16.5 meters. The Official Plan classifies Drouillard as a Class I collector with a required right-of-way of 24m. Although a land conveyance of 3.75 meters is required from properties along Drouillard Road, a land conveyance is not anticipated to be required in the foreseeable future.Mike Spagnuolo – Transportation Planning.
Transit Windsor  
Bell Canada Bell Canada requests an easement over the entire alley, or a 3m wide strip measuring 1.5m on either side of the aerial installation to extend from the pole to a minimum of 1.5m past the anchor installation, measuring 0.5m on either side of the guywire installation, as reasonably permitted.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. Will require an easement
Canada Post No concerns
Rogers Communications  
Telus Communications