Appendix A – Agency Comments (S216/2019)


Hydro Engineering: No Objection, provided clearances are achieved and maintained from our distribution plant.

Please note ENWIN has the following distribution around the development property: 1) overhead and underground 27.6KV primary distribution feeding an existing padmount transformer at 6600 Wyandotte St E along the east side of the development property 2) overhead 120/240V secondary street light distribution along the south side of the development property

An acceptable clearance must be maintained from our existing pole lines and conductors to the proposed development area. Please refer to the Ontario Building Code for adequate clearance requirements. We also recommend referring to the Occupational Health & Safety Act for the minimum safe limits of approach during construction.

Sketch attached for reference only. This attachment does not replace the need for utility locates.


Water Engineering: has no objections to the rezoning.