Summary Costing Options - Riverfront Parks (Estimated-more detailed analysis would be required)
Action Operating/Staff Cost Contractor Cost
Out Source - Contractor
Wildlife control measures   $75,000 -$125,000
In Source - Staff
Wildlife control measures Equip / Supplies: $5000
Full-time Park Serviceman: $71,872 (this staff person would operate the Sidewalk Sweeper, if the Managing Fecal Matter option was chosen)
Managing Fecal Matter Sidewalk Sweeper: $60,000
Fuel / Equip Reserve: $22,000
Street Sweeper: $45,000 (seasonal)
Environmental Seasonal Staff:$30,000
Summary Costing Options - Inland Parks, Storm Ponds and Public Areas
Out Source - Contractor
Wildlife control - removals   $50,000 - $75,000
In Source - Staff
Wildlife control measures and removals Equip / Supplies: $5000
Full-time Park Serviceman: $71,872 (this staff person would operate the Sidewalk Sweeper, if the Managing Fecal Matter option was chosen)
Managing Fecal Matter Street Sweeper: $45,000 (seasonal) Environmental Seasonal Staff: