Item No. 8.2

Council Report: S 235/2019

Subject: Foam Fest 365 Sports Inc. at Malden Park - Ward 2


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the request from 365 Sports Inc. to host the Foam Fest event on Saturday, August 29, 2020 at Malden Park BE APPROVED subject to the terms and conditions of the Special Event Agreement; and,

THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Special Events Agreement, to be satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor and content to the Executive Director of Recreation & Culture.

Executive Summary:



365 Sports Inc. is an event and marketing company based out of Meaford, Ontario, that specializes in event management, experiential marketing, concept, development and brand execution. They provide creative, fun and innovative athletic events to engage all participants, including seasoned athletes and novices alike.

Foam Fest is a 5K one-of-a-kind obstacle course-based fun run. With a variety of obstacles with the addition of foam, the run is a challenge for experienced and beginner runners alike. The event incorporates a festival atmosphere offering activities for all ages. The event has run the past five years in London and the company is now expanding the event into the southwestern Ontario corridor.