New City Hall Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

December 16, 2019

T. Hunt indicates the canopy construction will be the first phase of the civic plaza design.

Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Councillor Gignac, That the report of the Manager, Operating Budget Development & Financial Administration dated December 16, 2019 BE RECEIVED. Carried.

4.3 New Business

New City Hall Expansion Space

5. New City Hall Project Executive Committee Minutes

Moved by Councillor Gignac, seconded by Councillor Francis, That the minutes of the New City Hall Project Executive Committee of its meetings held May 7, 2019 and October 11, 2019 BE RECEIVED. Carried.

6. Other Business

In response to a question asked by Councillor Morrison regarding who is permitted to park in Lot 20 adjacent to City Hall, M. Winterton responds this lot is dedicated as the Mayor and Councillors' lot.

7. Adjournment