Green Speaker Expert Panel – Mitigating Species at Risk Road Mortality

To further promote awareness of Species at Risk road mortality in the Ojibway Prairie Complex as well as along other roads in Windsor and Essex County, WECEC coordinated a Green Speaker Expert Panel on Mitigating Species at Risk Road Mortality.

The event was held on October 30th, 2019 and discussion included current measures taken to protect Species at Risk, as well as Eco Passage project examples and other options to decrease road mortality.

Panel experts included Jonathan Choquette, Lead Biologist – Ojibway Prairie Reptile Recovery from Wildlife Preservation Canada who is currently researching and implementing protection strategies in Windsor; Rick Levick, President of the Long Point World Biosphere Reserve Foundation which is home to Eco Passage projects; Kari Gunson, Principal Road Ecologist at Eco-Kare International and author of the "Wildlife on Roads: A Handbook"; as well as Dinu Filip, President of ACO Systems and installer of Eco Passages.

Over 60 people attended the event including CTV, Blackburn and CBC news outlets, City councillors, administrative staff and interested community members.
