January 20, 2020 Council Mtg Item 8.5 - Corrected attachment


Windsor Essex County Environment Committee 2019 Annual Report

Earth Day event

WECEC participated in the City of Windsor's annual Earth Day event. The WECEC display was set up with information about the committee as well as some giveaways for event participants.

Pat on the Back Environmental Awards

The WECEC Pat on the Back Awards successfully awarded 4 applicants with $500 prizes towards their environmental projects.


Green Speaker Charles Montgomery


WECEC partnered with the City of Windsor, the Windsor Regional Society of Architects and the Michigan Chapter for New Urbanism to bring in Charles Montgomery, founder of Happy City (Vancouver B.C.), award-winning author, urbanist and leader of transformative experiments, research and interventions for well being in cities.

The event took place on June 18th at Caesars Windsor and drew a crowd of over 150 people. There were environmental booths set up, including the WECEC booth, and participates were given the opportunity to mingle before the event. Charles' keynote was videotaped and posted on WECEC's website and Facebook page.

Species at Risk Road Mortality Campaign

In addition to submitting a Report to City of Windsor council about Species at Risk Road Mortality in the Ojibway Prairie Complex, WECEC wanted to do a bit more to educate the people of Windsor and LaSalle about the issue. WECEC created a Public Service Announcement that aired on AM800 as well as Mix 96.7 during the morning and afternoon commute urging commuter traffic to avoid Matchette and Malden roads and consider the "route of their commute" to help protect Species at Risk. The PSA aired during the end of September and early October.