Windsor Essex County Environment Committee Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2019

5. Subcommittee Reports

5.1 Air

No report.

5.2 Environmentally Sensitive Lands and Issues

No report.

5.3 Public Engagement

No report.

6. New Business

6.1 City of Windsor Climate Change Adaptation Plan

The "Draft" Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Degrees of Change dated November 13, 2019 is distributed and attached as Appendix "A". A. Parent provides an overview of the document and adds it will be reviewed at the November 20, 2019 Environment, Transportation & Public Standing Committee and then tabled for 60 days to allow for public comment. It is suggested WECEC provide comments at its next meeting to be held on January 23, 2020.

Moved by R. Demarco, seconded by R. St. Denis, That the "Draft" Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Degrees of Change – dated November 13, 2019 BE RECEIVED.

6.2 WECEC Year End Report

A. Parent reviews the WECEC 2019 Annual Report.

Moved by R. St. Denis, seconded by D. Coronado, That the WECEC 2019 Annual Report BE RECEIVED. Carried.