Windsor Essex County Environment Committee Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2019

2. Declaration of Conflict

None disclosed.

3. Minutes

Moved by R. St. Denis, seconded by R. Demarco, That the minutes of the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee of its meeting held September 19, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented. Carried.

4. Business Items

4.1 WECEC Green Speaker Series: Mitigating Species at Risk Road Mortality

A. Parent advises the recent Green Speaker Series was well received with approximately 60 people in attendance. She adds Councillor McKenzie presided as Master of Ceremonies for the event.

Moved by R. St. Denis, seconded by K. Banar,

That APPROVAL BE GIVEN to an expenditure in the upset amount of $1,480.07 for costs associated with the Green Speaker Expert Panel Series entitled "Mitigating Species at Risk Road Mortality" held October 30, 2019 at the Ojibway Nature Centre. Carried.

4.2 Update WECEC Report No. 105: Declaring a Climate Emergency

A. Parent reports WECEC Report No. 105 – Declaring a Climate Emergency was discussed at the meeting of the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee on October 23, 2019. The report was approved and amended to delete any reference to the County of Essex.

Moved by K. Banar, seconded by R. St. Denis, That the update by the Environment & Sustainability Coordinator relating to WECEC Report No. 105 – Declaring a Climate Emergency BE RECEIVED. Carried.