Risk Analysis:

Risks were identified in reports S 211/2016 and S 144/2019. No further critical or significant risks have been identified.

Financial Matters:

No expenditures are recommended at this time.

If Council directs that a traffic analysis study should be carried out, the estimated cost of this study is $22,000 plus HST. Funding for this work could be provided from the Transportation Planning Environmental Assessment Reports Capital Project (7086010).

The proposed annual budget for this Capital Project is generally insufficient to tackle a single typical ESR in one year and budgets are accrued in order to initiate a project.

If Council directs Administration to proceed with the traffic analysis or an addendum to the Riverside Drive Vista Improvement Class EA, this will have a cascade effect on the balance of the studies within the projected list of Capital Projects, unless additional funds are provided to this Capital Budget to allow both studies to proceed concurrently.




Specific information has been provided as requested on the traffic analysis study that would be required to identify the impacts and required mitigation for a road diet on Riverside Drive between Caron Avenue and Devonshire Road. The estimated cost for this study is $22,000 plus HST.

While Administration does not recommend the proposed road diet, should Council choose to pursue a road diet on Riverside Drive, Administration recommends that the traffic analysis study be carried out.

Planning Act Matters: