Further to council direction CR463/2019, it is proposed that a similar study to the Matchette Road, detailed above, be completed for Malden Road as part of the scope of services provided by Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions. This will provide a tailored review of the roadway. No funds have been approved for this work. The costs are estimated to be similar to that of Matchette Road Study.

Risk Analysis:

There are no critical risks in accepting this report.

There is a risk that the recommended increase of 1.16% for the Asset Management Plan is not approved in whole or in part which would likely result in various project(s) previously approved in principle in the 2019 7-year capital budget needing to be reduced or pushed out as a result of committing the 2021 funding required for this project.

Financial Matters:

Ojibway Parkway Eco-passage Project

WDBA has committed $1.5 million for the Ojibway Eco-passage project, of which $250,000 has been secured to proceed with the required Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA). Once the MCEA is complete, administration will bring funding recommendations to fund the balance of the funds required. No additional City funding for the Ojibway Eco-passage project is required at this stage.

Matchette Road Corridor

The Matchette Road Study was previously approved and funded through the 2018 Budget process. Implementation of recommendations coming out of this study would require additional funding and will be the subject of a separate report once the study is complete.

Malden Road Corridor

The Malden Road Study is not currently funded by Council and is estimated to cost approximately $25,000 plus applicable taxes. The aim of the study is to identify passage/connectivity opportunities along the Malden Road corridor. Administration is recommending that a portion of the 2021 funding identified in the recommended 2020 8Year Capital Budget be pre-committed in the amount of $30,000. This would cover the the cost of the study and any financing costs that may be incurred, for immediate use. It is noted that while this proposed funding has not resulted in the displacement of any previously approved in principle projects from the 2019 7-year Capital Budget, should the recommended increase of 1.16% not be approved in whole or in part, then the precommitment of these funds for this project would likely result in a reduction of funding