
Class 2: Service Sustainability Investments

Project Number Project Title Major Category Project Detail Page # Economic Development, Growth, and Service Enhancements Service Sustainability Investments % 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total
ENG-008-20 EC Row Expressway and Ramps - Street Lighting Rehabilitation Program Transportation Infrastructure 361   100% 84,942 160,990 169,353 231,375 743,615 859,725 - - 2,250,000
OPS-002-10 Civic Gateway Corridor Maintenance Transportation Infrastructure 405   100% - - - - 200,000 - - - 200,000
FRS-001-07 Fire & Rescue First Response Vehicle Replacement Program Transportation Infrastructure 441   100% 55,000 - 2,790,000 186,000 2,763,000 74,000 - 1,993,000 7,861,000
OPS-001-17 Fuel Site Equipment Replacement Transportation Infrastructure 451   100% - - 289,100 36,300 62,000 17,780 - 19,950 425,130
OPS-002-17 Fuel Site Rehabilitation Program Transportation Infrastructure 455   100% - - 21,240 6,050 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 227,290
OPS-005-08 Corporate Fleet Replacement Program Transportation Infrastructure 457   100% 2,288,000 1,654,000 2,127,000 2,253,000 1,287,000 1,774,000 1,296,000 1,851,000 14,530,000
OPS-001-13 Parking Equipment Replacement Program Transportation Infrastructure 477   100% 102,000 104,000 106,000 108,000 110,000 112,000 114,000 116,000 872,000
OPS-010-07 Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) - System Maintenance Transportation Infrastructure 485   100% 570,000 420,000 420,000 234,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 3,244,000
OPS-018-07 Parking Garage Capital Rehabilitation Program Transportation Infrastructure 487   100% 510,000 1,040,000 530,000 540,000 550,000 560,000 570,000 580,000 4,880,000
OPS-020-07 Parking Lot Rehabilitation Program Transportation Infrastructure 490   100% 102,000 104,000 106,000 108,000 110,000 112,000 114,000 116,000 872,000
TRN-001-07 Transit Windsor Fleet Replacement Program Transportation Infrastructure 503   100% 72,114 154,577 3,997,180 4,800,000 5,675,858 2,142,375 3,902,638 6,408,059 27,152,801
TRN-001-16 Transit Windsor Fleet Refurbishment/Repair Costs Transportation Infrastructure 507   100% 500,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 3,000,000
TRN-002-08 Transit Windsor Fleet Structural Repairs Transportation Infrastructure 509   100% - 302,500 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,502,500
Total Class 2: Service Sustainability Investments
          53,096,200 69,048,684 81,901,248 83,330,142 84,015,490 84,913,105 82,135,346 89,454,260 627,894,475