Off-Street Parking Operations
The recommended budget issues for Off-Street Parking Operations would decrease the annual budgeted surplus to be transferred to the reserve for Off-Street Parking from $2,885,749 to $2,830,843, which represents a decrease of $54,906. The reserve is currently in a surplus of approximately $273,000. The Off Street Parking Reserve, after many years in a deficit balance, has recently returned to a positive position as a result of increased revenue.
Summary of Major Financial Impacts on the 2019 Operating Budget
Administration's recommended budget for City Departments is based on the objective of continued fiscal restraint while avoiding or minimizing negative impacts on services. The Corporation has faced a number of years in which budgets were reduced and realigned, and where service efficiencies were maximized in order to continue providing core services in the most efficient and fiscally responsible manner possible.
It is also important to note that the 2020 budget includes various impacts of Provincial budget cuts and downloading where such impacts can be determined for 2020 (also for ABC's). Examples include the decrease in funding for OMPF, the revenue decrease for Employment and Social Services, and the reduction in funding to the Health Unit. Detailed budget issues across all areas identify specific impacts of such cuts and any mitigating measures and/or increased levy requirements that have resulted thereby placing further pressure on the City's 2020 budget.
The Introduction Section of the 2020 Budget Document (Section 2, page 5) contains the Summary of Major Budget Drivers that will assist the reader in understanding the key issues that have affected the 2020 Operating Budget. A more detailed listing for each department's increases & decreases as compared to the prior year's budget can also be found in each department's budget submission (Section E of each Departmental Submission) or in total in Section 12: Schedule A - 2020 Operating Budget Summary (Recommended Issues).
While Section 12 details the full list of budget drivers, the primary drivers for this year's budget are summarized as follows (in 000's):
Expenditure Increases:
- Net Staffing Adjustments to Address Increased Service Demands $3,390
- Pre-Approved Salary, Wages & Fringe Benefit Increases $2,856
- Utility Cost Increases $544
- Various Inflationary Pressures $453
- Workforce Management Software / Maintenance $450
- Various Pre-Approvals / Contractual Obligations $376