E are prioritized over those that follow. Again, the option is provided for Council's consideration given its mandate, but is not recommended by administration.

 Section F – Other Reduction Options Identified That Could be Used to Achieve 0% Overall Tax Levy Increase

Given the increases requested by some city-funded ABC's and the funding requirements of the AMP, Section F includes additional reduction options for City Council to consider if there is a desire to offset the requested increases related to these items. Totalling $14,386,380, these reduction options more than offset the requested increases. As such, these options can be considered should Council wish to reinstate a program or service reduction from Section E. It is noted that City department's budgets have been impacted over the years by the need to offset increases in the ABC's budgets. Administration does not recommend the reduction of City departmental budgets to offset the ABC's requested increases. Additionally, Council may wish to consider reductions brought forward under this category in order to offset any additional items not in the recommended budget that Council may choose to bring forward as service enhancements to the 2020 Operating Budget.

 Section G – Worthwhile Enhancements Brought Forward by Departments - Not Recommended by Administration Due to Council's Directives Relative to Fiscal Restraint 

Additional Service Enhancements can be found in Section G. Despite the connotation surrounding 'enhancement', many of these funding requests reflect increases that are being requested by Administration in order to properly and adequately provide services that are expected of the departments. As the service enhancement requests represent new funding requirements, and given the limited flexibility related to funding, they were unable to be funded in the current budget recommendations; however, they are being provided to Council for information and further consideration as council may deem appropriate.

 Increase Related to the Asset Management Plan (AMP)

This section includes the levy increase required to fund the approved Asset Management Plan (AMP). In total, the AMP increase is $4,800,000.

 Increase Requested by Agencies, Boards & Committees 

 Increase Requested by Agencies, Boards & Committees This section outlines the increases requested by various ABC's. As noted above, despite a request to return a 2020 budget submission that was equal to 2019 funding levels, a number of agencies were unable to do so. In total, the ABC increase is $5,102,349.