faced throughout the organization, there are a number of positions being proposed in this section; many of these expenditures have dedicated recoveries that result in a net zero impact to the property tax levy but provide significant gains in terms of efficiency and service output to the public.

 Section C – Priority Budget Increases Recommended by Administration to Maintain or Improve Service Levels

Maintain or Improve Service Levels Increases identified in this section are priority budget items that are recommended by Administration in order to not only maintain, but also stabilize and improve key core services to the public. The budget and staffing increases in this section serve to provide dedicated funding for existing services or are intended to fund new initiatives that would provide a net benefit to the Corporation.

 Section D – Reductions Recommended by Administration

Section D – Reductions Recommended by Administration This section outlines reductions that are recommended by Administration. These reductions have been thoroughly assessed to ensure that they will have no or very little impact on existing services if accepted. In some cases, the reductions represent new or increased revenues/fees, either from internal recoveries or from user pay increases, or from higher expected volumes. The full details of all fee adjustments/introductions being proposed for 2020 are detailed in the budget binder, Section 14: Schedule C – 2020 User Fee Schedule.

Together, Sections A through D represent Administration's 2020 Recommended Operating Budget for City departments to City Council. It is Administration's opinion that the Recommended Budget, as presented with a 1.2% increase to the levy, achieves the appropriate budget level required to properly manage the day-to-day operations and activities of the Corporation in the most efficient manner, without compromising existing service levels or expectations.

Notwithstanding the recommended budget above, given City Council's direction to receive options to hold the line on taxes, Administration examined and prioritized various reduction options presented by each City Department in an effort to provide Council with options to achieve a 0% tax levy increase. It should be noted, that due to the many years of fiscal restraint, the easier reductions have already been actioned and, therefore, some of the remaining more onerous reduction options may result in significant increases in fees, significantly reduced services, or in some cases, service elimination. To be clear, administration does not recommend these reductions. However, they are provided based on Council' direction to present options to potentially avoid a property tax levy increase.

 First consideration was given to the Removal of Section C increases (Priority Budget Increases Recommended by Administration to Maintain or Improve Service Levels). Despite being identified as priority items, these reductions were the first to be brought forward for consideration in an effort to reach zero, as they are currently not in the City's base operating budget. As noted, the option is provided for Council's consideration given its mandate, but is not recommended by administration.

 Section E – Additional Reduction Options Available to Achieve 0% Tax Levy Increase for City Departments

The issues identified in this section provide further reduction options totalling $2,211,974 available to City Council. Despite resulting in significant service reductions, and in some cases service eliminations, the options presented in Section