Development Charges Task Force Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2019
J. Revell states that when projects are funded they have an active transportation fund with approximately $4 million for infill. He adds some of trails are not necessarily associated with the roads. So treating the active transportation network as a separate budget we're bringing active transportation portions that will be charged with overseeing these projects as part of the construction. He recommends this be treated as part of the capital costs.
C. Binning adds the general approach across the province has been if the active transportation works are within the road right-of-way and sometimes adjacent, then we will capture those under the roads development charge. right-of-way, they have to fall within what existed before the parks development side of this but will now be part of the CBC funding.
The Chair asks if the notion of having a separate category for active transportation whether or not it's an existing roadway, and questions if it will go against current legislation. C. Binning responds the Development Charges Act is structured as being very prescriptive regarding what services are eligible for funding and there's one called "services related to a highway" so his recommendation to municipalities is not to have a category of service that is specifically linked between the Development Charges Act but through the services related to the highway, They can have road construction active transpiration corridors and have the public works building fleet but they would need to be for purposes of the bylaw rolled up under that one category. There's no reason that this couldn't be tracked as a subset of that category.
J. Rondot states further to the current different rates between city wide and Sandwich South, will there also be two different rates relating to the CBC for Sandwich South and the City of Windsor. C. Binning responds the CBC regime does not have that structure of charge per unit because it will be capped as a percentage of land, so the structure may have different percentages for residential versus non-residential and high density uses such as condominiums and apartments. So if the rate is 50% in Windsor for residential uses, the CBC rate could be set at 50% of the land within the downtown core.
S. Mitchell questions if there have been successes regarding incentives that were provided or a geographical analysis. He adds it is worth looking at the boundary that should be expanded. J. Abbs reports the City Planner undertook a special study and states in order to expand that area, the study would have to be repeated to justify the changes.
S. Mitchell requests that the 2016 Core Study report be provided.
Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor McKenzie, That the presentation entitled "City of Windsor 2020 Development Charges Study – Task Force Meeting #2" BE RECEIVED. Carried.