Development Charges Task Force Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2019

Public Works, Transit, Waste Diversion, Roads and related, Sewage Treatment, Sanitary Sewers, Storm & Drains.

The document entitled "Development Related to Capital Program" is distributed and attached as Appendix "B".

5. Questions and Discussion

T. Ardovini states assuming the regulations in Bill 108 are not released in the near future and this by-law expires in May 2020, will only the hard services remain in the bylaw at that point? C. Binning responds the transitional rules have said if you have a bylaw set to expire and it contains the discounted services, they can remain in force even if the by-law is expired until the earlier of 2 points – when the CBC by-law is passed or, by December 31, 2020. When we bring forward the new by-law for the engineering services, the city's existing by-law will not be repealed, but will basically expire for everything except the soft services.

The Chair advises as it relates to Sandwich South, when doing estimates there is always a conservative or aggressive view and asks what the standard practice in this instance is. C. Binning responds that assigning that kind of language to our portion between Sandwich South and city wide depends on which area you're developing and what the perspective is. If one is in Sandwich South, being conservative means less is being allocated to it with more to city wide. Historically, here in Windsor when it comes to apportioning project shares being development and the calculations of the ratio, we've been fairly conservative.

T. Ardovini adds we endeavour to provide the most actual cost. Initially, there are several high level engineering studies in order of magnitudes and as further studies are completed, the numbers become refined. Unfortunately at this point with Sandwich South, there are still high level engineering studies, however, as more detailed studies are completed, the actual cost may be refined higher or lower.

n Master Plan and he asks if this is included in the "Roads and Related" or if this is separate and apart from the development charges. J. Cziraky responds this is included in the road program.