their sole cost and expense to construct a "Miracle Field League" baseball diamond, construct a parking lot and relocate the veteran cenotaph (collectively, the "Tenant's Work"), all to the satisfaction of the City. As part of this partnership, the RMBC has offered to contribute $200,000 towards the Project, as highlighted in the attached letter of support (Appendix A).

The guidelines of the Grant indicate a preference for matching funding as part of an application. In order to meet this target, Administration is recommending a $150,000 contribution from the City, which will provide a total of $350,000 in funding towards a $700,000 budget.

The requirements of this Grant are such that it makes sense for the City of Windsor to be the applicant and administer the respective work involved. Administration recommends that the City of Windsor apply for the Grant to assist with the overall goals of completing the Miracle Park as the premier accessible destination park in the City of Windsor. Costs relating to the overall completion of the park as part of this application include accessible connection ways wellness track (multi use trails), three (3) accessible workout stations, protective rubber surface coating for the miracle field, paving for dugouts and accessible site furnishings. A diagram illustrating the proposed works is attached to this report as Appendix B. Administration will also submit an application to the Accessibility Committee to consider contributing to the overall project when meetings reconvene in late February or early March 2020. Contributions made by the Accessibility Committee to the project may be used to reduce the $150,000 capital contribution from the Park Community Partnerships Initiative Project (ID# 7129015).

Programming will be inclusive and integrate all of the stakeholders, user groups and the City of Windsor Parks and Recreation & Culture Departments.

The Project is receiving letters of support from a multitude of organizations within the community which will be used to show further community support for this initiative.

Risk Analysis:

There is the potential risk that the application is not selected for funding or receives an amount less than the requested $350,000. If so, this would require a downgrade of the planned Project and/or increased City of Windsor funding commitment and/or an increase in donations from RMBC and/or extended timelines for completion. Should this occur a report will be brought to City Council for direction. This is considered possible to occur and is of medium impact.

Although considered unlikely, there is the possibility that the $200,000 promised from the RMBC is delayed or does not materialize. Should this occur, the City would need to consider increasing its' funding commitment to the Project as-is or forgo awarded grant funding from the Jumpstart Charities. Administration intends to enter into an agreement with the RMBC, which includes a requirement to provide the $200,000 contribution within 60 days of the notice of grant award to mitigate this concern.