In 2018, the City unsuccessfully submitted for funding from Jumpstart for the Miracle Park project. Feedback garnered from Jumpstart is that the program preference is for shovel-ready projects. While the 2018 project had some elements which were shovel ready, the majority required design first and therefore was not deemed shovel ready. The 2019 release of this grant was not submitted as qualifying projects were either already started, therefore did not qualify, or were not shovel ready. Considering this information, Administration considered several potential projects and how well they met the eligible criteria of the grant for 2020 submission. This list of projects was further vetted to determine which ones were shovel ready enhancing the probability of success. This resulted in one project being brought forward to City Council for submission based on meeting all grant guidelines and being shovel ready. This project will support the direction of item # 5 of the Council Decision above as well as the opportunity to apply for up to $500,000 in Accessibility Grant funding.


In the fall of 2016, dedicated community members formed the "Save the Park" project intent on maintaining the Former Riverside Arena Site/St. Rose Park and Riverside Baseball Park as green space with inclusion of a Miracle Diamond. Since that time the following has transpired:

• The City of Windsor has endorsed the proposal of Riverside Minor Baseball Club ("RMBC") to enter into an agreement for the Former Riverside Arena only subject to the terms outlined in CR366/2017.

• The RMBC Miracle Park Steering Committee, under the umbrella of the not-for-profit corporation (RMBC) under the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is a registered charitable organization designated in 1990, has been formed with a mission to embrace the physical and mental well-being of the Windsor Community by promoting and providing a community centre to enhance opportunities for the recreational, educational, cultural and community programs for all.

• RMBC has raised $2.1 Million in donations towards the $2.8 Million goal to construct a Miracle Field, improve the parking lot, relocate the Cenotaph, and add an accessible playground.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is a national charity with a vision "to create a Canada where all kids have access to play" and has been in existence since 2005. The organization is resourced through a combination of support and funding from the Canadian Tire group of companies and the general public. An initiative that Jumpstart is spearheading is the Inclusive Play Project and includes administration of Jumpstart Accessibility Grants. These grants are intended to support capital costs of construction and renovation related to improving physical accessibility to, and inclusivity in recreation facilities across Canada.

The City of Windsor is well positioned to apply for a Jumpstart Accessibility Grant in support of creating the vision of the Project.

The Project is inclusive of a stakeholder partnership with RMBC. In accordance with the terms of a lease between the City of Windsor and RMBC, RMBC is responsible at