To meet the needs of our residents and business community by delivering efficient and effective government services with an approach that is financially sustainable and environmentally responsible.


A unique, inclusive municipality focused on balanced growth, heritage preservation, an age-friendly community, and waterway enhancements. We will earn this reputation by:


The mission and vision statements for the Strategic Plan, 2019-2022 were developed over the course of the community engagement process, and include the priorities and themes that were highlighted as important to our residents and business community members throughout the development of the Strategic Plan.

These statements are intended to guide Council and Staff in their planning and decision-making processes. As such, when considering and recommending any project, initiative and/or program, Staff and Council will do so through the lens of financial sustainability and environmental responsibility, as stipulated in the mission statement. Likewise, Staff and Council will reference the Municipality's vision statement as a standard practice, when making operational and capital decisions, to ensure that the resources required align with the overall vision of the Municipality.

While this Strategic Plan is the guiding document for Council and Staff over the next several years, it is important to note that the Municipality of Port Hope operates in an environment where, on an ongoing basis, it is actively involved in a variety of other strategic policy and planning processes, that contributes to the day-to-day operations of the Municipality. It does this at the local, regional, and provincial levels as a matter of best practice, public administration and as directed by the Province of Ontario, by ministries like Municipal Affairs and Housing, Finance and Natural Resources. This is in addition to those required by provincial legislation.

As such, this Strategic Plan is focused on the Municipality's priorities over the next several years, but it builds off of Port Hope's experience and expertise by directly engaging and consulting with the community, Municipal Council, interested stakeholders and Municipal Staff. The outcome is a concise summary of the community's strategic plan that identifies the Municipality's mission, vision, and priorities. The document serves as a reference point to help inform and guide Port Hope Council, Staff and the community. Its success will be dependent upon the extent to which it is supported and implemented by community stakeholders.
